Urge Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein to Support Sending Aid to Palestinians Amidst COVID-19
A COVID-19 outbreak is currently devastating the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israel's brutal siege and illegal occupation have led to a scarcity of medicine, food, and security in the region.
Over 100 cases have been confirmed since March 30th, 2020 in Palestinian territories. The declining quality of life and human rights violations due to the Israeli occupation, coupled with the Trump Administration's withholding of humanitarian aid, are directly impacting resources available for Palestinians to use to defend against the virus.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has bravely sent a letter to the U.S. Department of State, addressed to Secretary Pompeo, to urge the Trump administration to reinstate desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza and the West Bank. If we fail to do so, Palestinian lives will be lost.
Let's collectively tell Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein that denying Gaza and the West Bank necessary resources during a pandemic is unacceptable.
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With you taking part in our targeted action, you can help raise awareness for the human rights violations in Palestine.
It is imperative that you contact Senator Harris and Feinstein before more lives are lost in Palestine because to COVID-19.
Help us spread this petition and targeted action by sharing with your family and friends on social media and through word of mouth.
Council on American-Islamic Relations, California
Greater Los Angeles Area Office
2180 W. Crescent Ave., Ste. F | Anaheim, CA 92801
www.cairla.org | 714.776.1847
Tell Senators Harris & Feinstein to Help
Palestinians Survive COVID-19
A COVID-19 outbreak is currently devastating the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israel's brutal siege and illegal occupation has made medicine, food and security scarce in Palestine.
Over 100 cases of COVID-19 cases have been confirmed since March 30th in the Palestinian territories. The declining quality of life due to Israeli occupation, the Trump Administration's withholding of Aid, the violations of Palestinian human rights and the lack of resources are making the situation worse.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has bravely suggested we reinstate the desperately needed US Humanitarian Aid to Gaza and the West Bank or else we are dooming Palestinians.
Let us collectively tell Senators Kamala Harris and Diane Feinstein that denying Gaza and the West Bank resources during a pandemic is unacceptable.
You can do this by taking part in our Targeted Action below.
There are no officials for you to contact on Twitter.
Council on American-Islamic Relations, California
Greater Los Angeles Area Office
2180 W. Crescent Ave., Ste. F | Anaheim, CA 92801
www.cairla.org | 714.776.1847
Tell Senators Harris & Feinstein to Help
Palestinians Survive COVID-19
A COVID-19 outbreak is currently devastating the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israel's brutal siege and illegal occupation has made medicine, food and security scarce in Palestine.
Over 100 cases of COVID-19 cases have been confirmed since March 30th in the Palestinian territories. The declining quality of life due to Israeli occupation, the Trump Administration's withholding of Aid, the violations of Palestinian human rights and the lack of resources are making the situation worse.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has bravely suggested we reinstate the desperately needed US Humanitarian Aid to Gaza and the West Bank or else we are dooming Palestinians.
Let us collectively tell Senators Kamala Harris and Diane Feinstein that denying Gaza and the West Bank resources during a pandemic is unacceptable.
You can do this by taking part in our Targeted Action below.
Council on American-Islamic Relations, California
Greater Los Angeles Area Office
2180 W. Crescent Ave., Ste. F | Anaheim, CA 92801
www.cairla.org | 714.776.1847
Council on American-Islamic Relations, California
Greater Los Angeles Area Office
2180 W. Crescent Ave., Ste. F | Anaheim, CA 92801
www.cairla.org | 714.776.1847